JQL templates

JQL templates is a simple approach for filter relevant issues for your needs.

You could change JQL template (near the Issue suggestions tab click on the menu and select Settings).


After modal window appears, you can set issue panel name and JQL template. You can use native JQL with pre-defined plugin variables.

By default JQL template looks like:

({{{summary_filter}}} ) and project = {{projectKey}}

{{{summary_filter}}} is a built-in template variable. It means that this variable contains filter that searches issues by current summary. This is only one built-in variable in plugin.

If your issue’s summary is Lorem ipsum and issue’s key is JRA-1, plugin searches issuees automatically with jql:

(summary ~ "Lorem" and summary ~ "ipsum") and project = JRA

Other variables are defined from the current issue:

  • {{projectKey}} - current project key
  • {{labels}} - issue’s labels
  • {{components}} - issue’s labels
  • {{issueKey}} - issue’s key
  • {{reporter}} - issue’s reporter
  • {{assignee}} - issue’s assignee
  • {{parent}} - parent issue

So, if you want to display issue’s from current customer, you should use next template:

project = “{{projectKey}}” and reporter = “{{reporter}}”

It’s not only one case how you can use JQL templates: you can add other search paramters

project = “{{projectKey}}” and reporter = “{{reporter}}” and resolution is empty

project = “{{projectKey}}” and assignee = “{{assignee}}” and issuetype = "Bug" and resolution is empty

project = “{{projectKey}}” and labels in ({{labels}}) and issuetype = "Bug" and resolution is empty

You can also add ordering:

project = “{{projectKey}}” and reporter = “{{reporter}}” order by updated

Jira Software use cases

You can use {{parent}} variable as a placeholder for an Epic issue key.

Example: Displaying all unresolved tasks in current epic assigned to current user

project = {{projectKey}} and parent in ({{parent}}) and assignee=currentUser() and resolution is empty

Plugin ignores by default any unknown variables.


By default, maximum number of issues is 50.